Members of the Worship Ministries of Our Lady of Consolation serve our faith, our Lord, and our congregation as we come together as one people in God’s house to worship His name in many ways. If you would prefer another ministry, you can choose from the Spirituality Ministries, Social Service Ministries, Youth Ministries, or Ministries in Spanish. See which one speaks to your heart.
Our Greeters assist congregation members by making them feel welcome and assisting those in need to their seats. Our Lectors read the Word of God to the assembly. The Cantors assist the assembly to sing God’s praise. Our Altar Servers assist the priest in the celebration of the Mass. Our Extraordinary Ministers assist the priest in serving the congregation the body and blood of Christ. Our devoted Ushers assist in the offertory collection and ensuring all members of the assembly receive a weekly bulletin.
If you would like to learn more about these ministries or wish to become a member of one or more, click on each ministry’s title to read more about that particular ministry. If you wish to serve as a worship minister, please complete the form at the bottom of the page.