In July, 2013, after the Archdiocesan decision to merge the two Tacony parishes, Father Joseph Farrell, then pastor of St. Leo the Great Territorial Parish, was named pastor of Our Lady of Consolation Parish by Archbishop Charles Chaput and was charged with working with the faithful of both parishes to create a faith-filled, vibrant parish community for all Catholics in Tacony.
Our Lady of Consolation Parish is located in the Tacony section of Philadelphia on Tulip Street between Princeton Street and Tyson Avenue, and was built in 1956. The Parish offers three English masses (8:00 am and 10:15 am each Sunday and 5:00 pm on each Saturday. There are two Spanish masses, one on Sunday at 11:30 am and the other each Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm. There is also one Latin mass every Sunday at 1:30 pm. Daily and holidays mass is held at 8:00 am with reconciliation every Saturday between 4:00 pm and 4:45 pm.

Becoming a Parishioner of our Parish
If you are interested in becoming a member of Our Lady of Consolation Parish and would like to find out more about the parish, please call the parish office at 215-333-0442. However, if you are ready to become a member of the congregation, please download our New Parishioner Registration form and email it to Anita Luciani at [email protected].
Office Hours
Monday – Thursday: 9:00AM – 4:00PM
Friday: Closed
Parish Priests
- Rev. Joseph L. Farrell, Pastor
- Rev. Francis Sariego, OFM.Cap
- Rev. Kevin Thompson, OFM.Cap
- Deacon Felipe Hernandez
Parish Staff
- Business Manager: John Duffner, [email protected]
- Parish Secretary (Secretaria Bilingual): Anita Luciani, [email protected]
- Senior Citizens Group: Jim Callan, 215-624-3447
- Sexton: Tony Volpe, [email protected]
- Parish Organist: Sister Linda Sariego
Parish Ministry Coordinators
- Altar Servers, Cantors, Lectors & Extraordinary Ministers: Monica Maio, [email protected]
- Baptismal Instruction (Pre-Jordan): Fr. Joseph Farrell & Beatriz Ramirez, 215-333-0442
- Director of Religious Education & PREP: Lizandra Gonzalez, [email protected]
- Greeters & Ushers: Monica Maio, [email protected]
- Youth Group: Michelle Negron, 267-257-4267
- Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) for Adults: Father Farrell, 215-333-0442

Parish Schools
- Elementary: Blessed Trinity Regional Catholic School and St. Matthew Catholic School
- High School: Students can attend any one of the 18 different Archdiocesan schools. Please go to Archdiocese of Philadelphia Schools to obtain more information.
Parish Food Bank
Unfortunately, the Parish Food Bank is closed. Thank you to all who have poured their heart and soul into this ministry. God bless you.