Each Advent season Our lady of Consolation Parish assists our community with a Giving Tree. With the joint efforts of our Giving Tree Committee and the generosity of our parishioners, local families of our parish and of other local parishes can feel the warmth and joy of Christmas.
On the first Sunday of Advent our Giving Tree, displayed on the Blessed Mother side of the altar, is adorned with tags with the ages and Christmas gift wishes. Parishioners are welcomed to take as many tags as they wish and provide the gift indicated, and more, to that particular individual. All gifts are placed at the foot of the tree on the fourth Sunday before Christmas. The Giving Tree Committee is responsible for the delivery of these gifts to the list of families, which are kept confidential.
It is a chance for the entire congregation to come together and care for the less fortunate or those just having a rough time making ends meet. Parishioners names are also kept confidential unless they choose otherwise. To learn more about this organization or to become a member, please complete the form below or call the parish office at 215.333.0442.