This holy patron of many of our parishioners lived in the fourth century. He was born in Rome of pious Christian parents and at a young age was entrusted to the care of the Priest Epimenio. His parents were martyred during the persecution of Diocletian, and Donato left Rome for Arezzo. He, at first, lived as a monk and his sanctity became known far and wide. He also performed miracles during his lifetime. In the year 346, he was consecrated Bishop and did much good in his Diocese. His people loved him and went to him for every kind of assistance. On August 7, in the year 362, a Roman soldier came, filled with hatred for the Christian faith, beheaded the great Bishop, whose soul was seen to be taken immediately to Heaven. There are over 70 Churches in Italy dedicated to St. Donato. He is pictured wearing the beautiful garments of a Bishop, which signify the splendor of the souls for which a Bishop must give his life.