Father, you have made the union of man and wife so holy a mystery that it symbolizes the marriage of Christ and his Church.
United States Catholic Catechism for Adults
The sacrament of marriage is an agreement, which is more than a contract. The marriage covenant refers to the relationship between husband and wife, a permanent union of people capable of knowing and loving each other and God. The celebration of marriage is also a liturgical act, appropriately celebrated in a public liturgy in the church. Catholics are urged to celebrate their marriage within the Eucharistic liturgy.
Couples contemplating the sacrament of marriage must make an appointment with Father Farrell at least six months before their wedding date. Contact the office at 215-333-0442 to make your appointment.
Attendance at an approved Pre-Cana workshop is a prerequisite for couples wishing to enter the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. Although Our Lady of Consolation does not host a Pre-Cana workshop, couples can call the following parishes to ask about their workshops:
St. Anslem Parish, 12670 Dunks Ferry Road, Philadelphia, PA 19154. Contact Deacon Dennis Warner at [email protected] or call 215-637-3525, ext. . 12
St Katherine of Siena, 9700 Frankford Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19114. Contact Deacon Duffy at [email protected] or call 215-637-7548 ext.204.
Our Lady of Calvary, 11024 Knights Road, Philadelphia, PA 19154. Contact Deacon Mike Bell at [email protected] or call 215-313-5689.
Maternity of the Blessed Mother Virgin Mary, 9220 Old Bustleton Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19115. Call the Rectory at 215-673-8127.
St. Cecilia Church, 535 Rhawn St, Philadelphia, PA 19111. Call the Rectory at 215-725-1240.
You can also register with the Archdiocese of Philadelphia at http://phillycatholicmarriageprep.com/about-us/ or send a query to http: // phillycatholicmarriageprep.com/contact .